Friday, August 31, 2007

nice concept for a rocking chair

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Communicating with models

How do you best communicate your ideas to others.
As Hasso Plattner, co founder of SAP and the main financier of the Standford D school,
say, it makes sennse to create a model out of your concept and then present it.

This thing provides a basis for invoking positive criticism from the other party.
And will be a great help in evolving towards a consensus of the outcome.

Thats why rapid prototyping of ideas is such an important tools in the hands of a designer.

Hasso Plattner :
"We need people to explain new ideas in the form of models so it is captured and people can contribute.The artifact is key,it is better to have a conversation about a 'thing,' as you move the conversation from my idea versus your idea to me and you talking about 'this thing'."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Das does it again :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sarah van Gameren's Burn Burn Burn

Innovation !!!


Yesterday saw a amazing film on Animal planet on pollination.
Narrated by David Attenborough, it was amazing to see how a boring topic can be narrated in
such an amazing and awe inspiring manner.

Will post the whole story soon

This Day This Time - the experience sure was unique

This blog will be all about the Wow factor encountered everyday!!