Friday, July 30, 2010

Inception review

“I specialize in a very special kind of security. Sub conscious security”.

I heard this line in one of the trailers and it ensured that I was going to watch Inception. And the trailers also raised my expectations a notch.

 I am huge Matrix fan. And I expected Inception to go a step further in wowing me. But I was disappointed on that front. Don’t get me wrong, ‘Inception’ is a spectacular movie, definitely worth watching at least once. But somewhere it lacked the intensity, characterization and the ‘new’ element of the Matrix. But to Inception’s credit it was more understandable by the larger set of people than the first part of Matrix. And i absolutely loved the idea of doing an Inception, the idea that you could change the future if you plant a different idea.

The movie flows in a pace that ensures that the audience is first given time to understand the basic premises, the concept of dreams and then increase the pace to take the audience on a ride through a real inception, or the planting of an idea into another person's mind. And the technique is summarized well when Leonardo says “We bring subjects into dreams and then they fill it with their secrets”.

Good movies are defined by the discussions that follow them. Christopher Nolan made sure he ends ‘Inception’ with a scene to spark these discussions. Leonardo DiCaprio’s totem revolving unwaveringly till the last second when it just shows a sign of a slight wobble, as the movie ends, ensured the audience were in a state of some confusion as to whether or not diCaprio was still in a dream world. 

There were some really cool concepts like, if you go a level deeper into dream levels then the time span increases, 1 minute at level 1 could be years in level 4. Or the concept of ‘limbo’, where you get lost in a dream, or the concept of the 'kick' that needs to be synchronized so that you don’t get lost in one of the levels of a dream.

 If nothing else, this movie will surely give you a better insight into your world of dreams, and at-least for a few days after the movie you will be talking about the level of dreams. The movie was awesome in its technical detailing but where I think it wasn’t impactful, was in its characters. The characters probably didn’t connect with the audience at any deep level. It was close knit beautiful script which could have been awesome had the casting been better and acting been slightly more intense and had the relationships between people been better explored.

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